Welcome to the Book & Baking Blog

Two great things that go great together. Please read and enjoy. It's for fun.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Book & Baking Blog Entry 23

I love to bake.  My daughter asked me the other day if we could bake cookies, "it's been a long time."  I think that it's time.  However, I haven't baked any lately.  What I have been baking is pies.  I'd like a better pie crust. It's time to experiment again.  I made an apple pie the other day.  It's great now that I have the concept of the thinly sliced apples down to a science.  Who knew that following directions was all it took.

I like pecan pie but am too cheap to buy pecans.  Why not use walnuts.  So I guess it's walnut pie. Maybe I'll find a new pie crust recipe and try it.

Just as a follow-up. The apple pie was very well received AND I found some pecans in the freezer, so don't worry the south will not fall again in shame of my walnut pie.
I like my mother's recipe, but it's not rich enough.  I like the butter recipe that I have but it generally falls apart and I find myself patching it (and, frankly, I often get a bit sick it's sooooo rich--who knew butter could be a negative?!!!!)

Well, I ended up buying refrigerator pie crust and everyone loved it.  My grandmother may have had a point about not making home made anything.  My mother tells this story of how my grandmother (her mother-in-law) would make home made noodles every Sunday for the family.  I forget what she made them to go with, but my mother would rave about these noodles.  One Sunday my grandmother didn't have the time and used  a bag of store bought noodles.  Mom said that you could tell right away that they were just from the store but no one else noticed.  As a matter-of-fact all of grandma's kids went on and on about how fantastic the noodles were that week.  She never made home made noodles again.

Of course, I cook for myself.  If you don't like it I care, in the sense that I would like to be a good hostess, but I'm not losing sleep over it.  Really.  I know what I like and I know it's good.  And all the more for me.  Can I find any other cliché?  So I will continue my quest for the perfect pie crust.

So, if you have a pie crust recipe that you're willing to share, please drop it into the comments.  I could really use some help.

Happy Baking!  Time for more cookies.

1 comment:

  1. I had luck recently with Trader Joe's frozen pie crust. I usually make a homemade crust, which means I make a pie maybe once every two years. But after apple picking last weekend, I just had to make an apple pie, but without all the fuss. Very pleasantly surprised with the results! Who knows, I may even make another pie this year and completely throw off my average!
