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Two great things that go great together. Please read and enjoy. It's for fun.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Book & Baking Blog Entry 18

So, the school year has begun. This works out OK, because it means that I still have a job and can afford to buy baking materials and buy reading materials. HURRAY!!!!

I read an interesting novel, A Woman Named Smith, by Marie Conway Oemler. It was free on my kindle. I LOVE my kindle as you all know. And free was good. I've had a number of free books that stank. Really, imagine that. Some things should not even be given away.

A Woman Named Smith was indeed about a woman named Smith. Because it's a kindle book the publication date was given as 2006 as does the hardcover edition. I will have to find the original publication date because this is no modern mystery/romance novel.

This is a novel for fans of the true Gothic. Heroines fighting the supernatural and the more native evils on earth. The mystery is not really pursued as a plot point, but merely floats in the background enjoying being brought up by our heroine, her best friend, and their bizarre southern entourage. So it's a lot of fun when the mystery's solution is handed over at the end, all tied up in a neat package.

The romance portion of this novel is also part of the background. As courting goes, it's definitely 19th century and enjoyable for it's unintentional hilarity. I enjoyed the author's belief that she was telegraphing one romance while surprising us with an entirely different couple! Perhaps in it's day it was a surprise ending, however, with 21st century sensibilities I think that most could figure this one out.

Having made fun of this novel a bit, I have to say that I really did enjoy it. Mostly FOR the reasons above. I have since looked up the original publication date (1919.) The book has charm as do the characters. The women are remarkably modern and the cast of southern characters rings true to those who have spent time in the south.

Good reading to all. Maybe I'll tell you about my friend's cake made with pudding...or I could cover more cookies. I'm baking up a storm this week. Happy reading and enjoy your pastries.

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