Welcome to the Book & Baking Blog

Two great things that go great together. Please read and enjoy. It's for fun.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's been a while. 

I have been reading but not really baking.  Perhaps blogging is not for me, however, I will attempt to renew my initial vigor and post a couple of times a week.

After all, a job and a child can't keep one occupied all of the time.

Bread is wonderful.  I have a great and simple bread recipe that I got from a class with a master baker.  While many might say that I paid too much for two recipes and some advice I think that the time spent and the ability to ask questions about techniques and how things should feel was well worth the price.  FYI: for those who would love to take a baking class in San Francisco go to www.bakingarts.net and check out the classes. Richard is an amazing teacher.

I recently saw one of his recipes on  Facebook.  It's pretty basic, and I am not posting it in its entirety because it was passed on to me in his class and that would be rude.  But, it's just flour, yeast, salt, and water.  I recently made a batch and upped the amount of salt.  Amazing....just that bit of extra salt.


I hope to move into making soft pretzels this fall AND it's almost gingerbread house time again.  I really enjoy the gingerbread houses.

Til next time.